Back in office for half day, trying to clear outstanding stuffs and rushed down to to town to meet gal and catch fireworks. After dinner at Subway, made our way to the entrance of Helix Bridge area.
The whole area was congested, with lots of "you know who" squeezing and pushing ! Regretted not to make our way up to the Benjamin Sheares Bridge, where the view was clear.
We ended up at this spot. Not a good spot. Constant pushing and the view was partially blocked by the YOG stage. No tripod for the day made it worse to capture gd shots without flash.

Seems like i'm taking these shots for the sake of taking. Hard to take a good shot with good composition, especially with a big big umbrella infront of me. At times, it seemed like the fireworks were shooting out from the tip of the umbrella
Look at the crowd. One can hardly spot any empty spaces among the crowd. Kinda of regretted coming down to watch the fireworks. Could have spend time else where. Looking forward to the firework symphony on 22-23rd Aug @ Marina Bay floating platform for a more spectacular display
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