It was Francis & Huiping's Big Day today. Well, having known both of them for more than 10yrs, being his brother was nothing surprising !! =p It was a good experience and insight for me, having involved from Guo Da Li to the Actual Day.
Took a few shots at his house before going off to the bride's house. It was a day full of happening things. The first, missing cuff links !! No matter how we turn his house upside down, it cannot be found. We gave up and in the end borrow the cuff links from the bride's brother !
And the second?? Met with an accident along the way to the hotel. Place of the accident?? Entrance of an multi-storey carpark of all places. A WRX juz suddenly swerved out of the exit and hit the side of the car ! Zzzzz ....
And the last major thing tat happen? Juz when the door was open for the guests to enter the ballroom, the pushing of the guests cause one of the deco stand along the aisle to topple and fell on one of the table. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the process.

Guess the price of the bedsheets on the left ....
Well, it cost $300 plus.....
and tat's after 30% discount ...... =s
Getting ready for the second march-in .....
The bride's main "assistants" for the day !
Managed to strip and change the gown for the bride under 1 min !
nice songs !
Bride: "Oei ! Wat are the 2 of ya doing !!!"
Groom: "Huh?? We did not do anything !!"

simple yet nice wrist corsage

Make-up Artist's stuffs ......
Fully equipped ...
somehow i like this shot =p
finally a shot together !! \(^_^)/

okok ....
the groom and i were once together =x
videographer: Wow..... Tat's one beautiful cake ....
shoot shoot shoot arh ....

champagne popping time !!
can anyone spot the flying cork on the top right photo?
simple and touching speech by the groom ....
happy parents =)

found this note left behind by one of the brothers ! =p
hmmm.... i sense a rabbit baby coming !!
juz wat did the bride say ??
the full force Jie Meis ....
and sorry, all are attached =p
a relaxed groom after the banquet ....

nice cookies from Taiwan !!

Finally it time for us to rest. It have been a tiring day for both of us. Have a happy honeymoon and may you have a rabbit baby soon !!
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