Lonely lady waiting for someone to bring her in ? =p

All geared up for the events. Collected our first bottle of beers at the entrance. All purchase of beers or food at the beerfest are in poker chips. Should have kept one of the chips as souvenir
"Would you like to have some beers?"

The beers, the race cars and .......
the guy who wanna play poker !
Well, i suppose this should be the correct way of drinking the beer. How many of us actually gup down our bottle of beer?
Beers at @ 6pm ?? Guess it's a bit early
And the match begins ....... Paraguay vs Slovakia
the last 5 bottles of beers for the nite

"Are ya done with the shooting??"
the not-so-nice rojak that cost almost the same price as the beers !
Celebrity Couple spotted @ beerfeast ??
and the paparazzi were busy snapping away
Great nite, great company! it would be even better if tomorrow is not a Monday !
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