It's Monday, the start of a new week again. Not having the blues today as i will be on leave tomorrow. It's going to be another short week for me again.
Went for a hair cut after work, cannot tolerate my hair being thick and unmanageable. My hairstylist was amazed that my hair grow so thick and fast over just 3 weeks. Some people would not mind their hair growing long fast as they are able to change their hair style frequent. But definitely not me. Sometimes i even wonder if there is some shampoo out there to slow down the growth rate of my hair.
I soaked my shirt that i wore today once i reached home. An hour later, when i was washing my shirt, i noticed that there were patches of stains on the back and right shoulder. The stains seems to be caused by the discolouring of a black clothing. This is one of my favourite shirt and i had only wore it twice, damn sad. Totally clueless how did it become like this.
Tried lots of method to remove the stains: soaked with colour bleach; use dynamo; soap; using salt; etc..... Whatever that i can try, i tried. After an hour of scrubbing, i finally gave up.
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